家园小助手 发表于 2022-7-22 17:42:03


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                                        <h2>请问汤姆汉克斯有那些成就?</h2><p>给你找了一些,因为我也很喜欢Tom Hanks: ] 剩下有什么需要的自己到百度上搜吧。</p><p>曾于1994,1995年获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,是当今好莱坞最具影响力的电影明星之一,“好莱坞黄金时代领头雁的再生”。 </p><p>他不仅具备加利·格兰特和詹姆斯沃的喜剧天赋,也跟亨利·方达和加利·库普一样,有着难以抗拒的磁力。对于这样高的评价,汤姆·汉克斯应该是受之无愧的,因为,无论什么角色,《阿甘正传》中的低能儿,《西雅图不眠之夜》中沉默寡言的鳏夫,《阿波罗13》中那个临危不惧的宇航员,《费城故事》中身患艾滋的同性恋律师,还有《玩具故事》中的玩具警察,只需要一经汉克斯的表演,马上就变得活灵活现,给观众留下了难忘的印象。就这样,汉克斯把美国公众心目中的银幕形象成了</p><p>现实,并被记入好莱坞的史册。他本人对自己在公众中的形象,也十满意,并曾讲过这样一名话“我在观众心中的地位是我亲手创制的一张木床,我觉得简直太舒服”。他得过无数次电影奖,其中部获得影片《阿波罗13号》曾创造五亿美元的超级票房记录。</p><p>1988年,汉克斯领衔主演《飞向未来》(《BIG》1988)大获成功,影片中因其出神入化、形象生动地扮演了一个一夜之间长大成36岁男子的12岁男孩的角色,成功的赋于了孩童的纯真、幽默与顽皮在一个成熟男人的身上,为此他一举获得包括奥斯卡、金球、学院、纽约电影批评家等四个奖项的最佳男主角提名奖。 </p><p>汉克斯在1994年迎来了前所未有的荣誉,由于在影片《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)中的成功演绎,汉克斯又一次赢得了奥斯卡最佳男主角的金像奖座,并成为有史以来第二位连续两届获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖的演员(第一位是史宾塞.屈塞 第10届和第11届)。影帝的桂冠也由此稳稳地落在他的头上。 </p><p>1999年,由著名导演斯皮尔博格执导的影片《拯救大兵瑞恩》给汉克斯带来了新的荣誉——第七十一届奥斯卡最佳男主角提名奖,更让人们看到了一个演技日趋成熟的影帝的形象。 </p><p>作品列表 </p><p>2008 - City of Ember 微光城市 制片 </p><p>2008 - Mamma Mia! 妈妈咪呀 制片 </p><p>2008 - The Great Buck Howard 伟大的巴克霍华德 演出/制片 </p><p>2007 - Chalie Wilson's War 查理的战争 </p><p>2006 - The code of Dan Vince 达芬奇密码 </p><p>2004 - TheTerminal 幸福终点站 </p><p>2004 - The Polar Express极地特快 </p><p>2004 - Ladykiller 师奶杀手 </p><p>2002 - Road to Perdition 毁灭之路 </p><p>2002 - Catch Me If You Can 猫鼠游戏 </p><p>2002 - My Big Fat Greek Wedding 我的希腊婚礼 制片 </p><p>2001 - "Band of Brothers" (mini) 兄弟连 导演/制片/编剧 </p><p>2000 - Cast Away 荒岛余生 演出/制片 </p><p>1999 - Toy Story 2 玩具总动员2 </p><p>1999 - The Green Mile 绿色奇迹 </p><p>1998 - Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩 </p><p>1998 - You've Got Mail 电子情书 </p><p>1998 - "From the Earth to the Moon" (mini) 从地球到月球 导演/制片/编剧 </p><p>1996 - That Thing You Do! 挡不住的奇迹 演出/导演/音乐/编剧 </p><p>1995 - Apollo 13 阿波罗13号 </p><p>1995 - Toy Story 玩具总动员 </p><p>1994 - Forrest Gump 阿甘正传 </p><p>1993 - Philadelphia 费城故事 </p><p>1993 - Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图不眠夜 </p><p>1993 - "Fallen Angels" 堕落天使 </p><p>1992 - Radio Flyer 海阔天空 </p><p>1992 - League of Their Own, A 女子棒球队 </p><p>1990 - The Bonfire of the Vanities, 虚荣的篝火 </p><p>1990 - Joe Versus the Volcano 魔岛仙踪 </p><p>1989 - The burbs 邻居 </p><p>1989 - Turner & Hooch 福星与福将 </p><p>1988 - Big 大人 </p><p>1988 - Punchline 头条笑料 </p><p>1987 - Dragnet 法网 </p><p>1986 - Every Time We Say Goodbye 战火爱火(也译此情可待) </p><p>1986 - Nothing in Common 对头冤家 </p><p>1986 – The Money Pit, 钱坑 </p><p>1985 - Volunteers 志愿者 </p><p>1985 - The Man with One Red Shoe 穿一只红鞋的男人 </p><p>1984 - Splash 现代美人鱼 </p><p>1984 - Bachelor Party 疯狂今晚夜 </p><p>1982 - Mazes and Monsters (TV) 虚幻游戏 </p><p>1980 - He Knows Youre Alone 血红溅白纱~!~:</p><p>在好莱坞众多明星中,有谁能从令人同情的“同性恋”演到憨厚的“低能儿”、从临危不惧的“宇航员”演到英勇无比的“二战大兵”,且部部叫好卖座?汤姆-汉克斯做到了。</p><p>汤姆天生一张娃娃脸,相貌平平,极具喜感的脸加上逗趣生动的演技,无论什么角色,一经他的表演,就变得有血有肉,令人难以忘怀。他曾于1994年、1995年连续两年获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,他是当今好莱坞最具影响力的电影明星之一,“好莱坞黄金时代领头雁的再生”。</p><p>汤姆-汉克斯,1956年7月9日生于美国加州康克德,父亲艾摩斯-汉克斯是厨师,母亲珍娜-特纳在医院工作。5岁时,父母离异,小汤姆-汉克斯开始跟着父亲四处奔波,频繁地转学,适应一个又一个的新的环境和继母。由于父亲对他采取放任态度,汉克斯一直可以干自己想干的事,从不接受别人的命令,“过去的经验培养出我独立自主的精神”,使他学会用一种乐观积极的态度去面对人生。这种流浪的生活最终在加州奥克兰市划上了句号。汤姆的表演生涯是从高中的戏剧表演开始,中学毕业后,他进入加州查伯得学院,并加入学校的莎剧剧团,开始系统地学习表演,接触到专业的演技培养和表演训练。毕业后,汤姆来到纽约寻求演艺事业的发展。年青的汤姆十分清楚通往成功的道路不是一帆风顺的,但他相信凭着自己的追求和毅力,一定能在电影界创出一片江山。</p><p>1979年,汤姆首次在一部低成本电影《他知道你很孤独》(He Knows You’re Alone)中扮演角色。不久,又主演了电视滑稽连续剧《亲密伙伴》(Bosom Buddies),这部戏上演了整整两个季度,使汤姆-汉克斯的名字开始渐渐为观众所熟悉。1981年参演了《迷宫与怪兽》(Mazes and Monsters),受到一定好评。1984年汤姆-汉克斯的表演受到了大导演罗恩-霍华德的赏识,提出让他主演由迪斯尼公司制作出品的《美人鱼》(Splash),汤姆的精湛演技立即引起了影评家的注意,他们对汤姆在影片中既有风度而又不失幽默的形象赞不绝口,汤姆开始走上成名之路。</p><p>1984年后汤姆又接连拍摄了喜剧片《单身汉聚会》(Bachelor Party 1984)、《红鞋男子》(The Man with One Red Shoe 1985)、《妙语如珠》(Punchline 1988)等影片,他逐渐成为观众心目中的喜剧名星。特别是在1988年的影片《飞越未来》(Big)中大获成功,形象生动地扮演了一个一夜之间长大成36岁男子的12岁男孩的角色,将儿童的纯真、幽默与顽皮表现在成熟男人的身上,一举获得包括奥斯卡、金球、学院、纽约影评家协会等四个奖项的最佳男主角提名奖。汉克斯将自己对生活的体验与理解渗透到表演之中,带着一种全新的创造,他对喜剧的理解不再是凭着直觉,而是真正体会到了喜剧的深层内涵。他开始对自己创作有意识地拓宽戏路,证明自己并非只是一个会“搞笑”的喜剧明星。此后,他在1990年《虚无的篝火》(The Bonfire of the Vanities)、1992年《女子棒球队》(A League of Their Own)和1993年《西雅图夜未眠》(Sleepless in Seattle)中分别担任主演,并引起了一连串的轰动。尤其是在《西雅图夜未眠》中,汤姆真情的表演,展示了他成熟的演技,令观众为之泪下。此片成为汤姆演艺生涯中的转折点,开始成为一名真正的电影明星。</p><p>同年的另外一部影片《费城故事》(Philadelphia)把汤姆的演艺生涯推上了第一个高峰,在片中他扮演一名被艾滋病折磨而遭歧视的同性恋律师。这是对他演技的一次重大挑战,为此汤姆亲身体验,付出了巨大的牺牲,“冒最大的风险才意味着可能有最大的收获”。影片征服了评论界和广大的观众,引起了巨大社会反响,他本人也获得了这一年的金球奖和第66届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角奖。</p><p>1994年,春风得意的汤姆-汉克斯又向全新的角色发起了挑战,他在《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)中扮演了一个智商只有75的弱智人,毅力坚强、忠厚诚实,日后终成传奇人物,表现了人们在新时代的全新价值取向,汤姆成了一代美国观众的偶像明星。由于在影片中的成功演绎,汤姆在1995年迎来了前所未有的荣誉,又一次赢得了奥斯卡最佳男主角的金像奖杯,并成为有史以来第一位连续两届获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖的演员。他的身价大大提高了,片酬高达两千万美元。</p><p>1995年汤姆又给人们一个惊喜:主演了太空史诗片《阿波罗13号》(Apollo 13),将历史的英雄再现银幕,创下了5亿美元的超级票房记录。1996年,汤姆开始涉足新的领域,这一年他自编、自导、自演了以60年代摇滚乐为背景的影片《那一天传奇》(That Thing You Do!),充分展示了他多才多艺的一面。虽然这部影片并不成功,但汤姆的编导才能还是得到了体现。1998年汤姆参与编、导、演以及制作的电视影集《飞向月球》(From the Earth to the Moon)在艾美奖提名会上风光一时,汤姆大有集编导演于一身之势。1998年由著名导演斯皮尔博格执导的影片《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)再一次把汤姆推向了事业的高峰,并由此获得第71届奥斯卡最佳男主角提名奖,让人们看到了一个演技日趋成熟的影帝形象。</p><p>1999年汤姆主演了由著名监狱片导演法兰克-达拉邦特执导、改编自畅销作家史蒂芬-金同名小说的《绿色奇迹》(The Green Mile)一片,汉克斯扮演典狱长保罗,与狱中的罪犯发展出一段动人的友谊,剧情动人。汤姆为此片牺牲形象,增肥数十磅。功夫不负有心人,该片在北美上映仅六周,票房即突破一亿美元,成为汤姆第十部票房破亿的巨片。印证了当代美国男星中,汤姆是演技和票房的绝对保证。</p><p>2000年汤姆的新片是《漂流》(Cast Away),影片讲述的是汤姆扮演的船务公司调查员一觉醒来后,发现被漂流到荒岛上,从此过起蛮人生活。汤姆又开始为此片蓄发及减肥18公斤,忽胖忽瘦,好不辛苦,但体现了汤姆对事业的不懈追求。</p><p>1999年在洛杉矶公布的一项投票评选中,汤姆-汉克斯抢走了汤姆-克鲁斯的宝座,荣登“好莱坞最值钱明星”的榜首。可以说,仅从演技上来讲,汤姆绝对可以称得上是当今影坛第一人。他人缘好,从不摆明星架子,有着很好的公共形象。他曾讲过这样一句话:“我在观众心中的地位是我亲手打造的一张木床,我觉得简直太舒服了”。</p><p>汤姆结过两次婚,有四个小孩,家庭幸福美满。第一次婚姻是1978年与女演员兼制片人珊曼莎-路易斯结合,生下长子柯林及长女伊莉莎白,1985年汤姆与珊曼莎分居,1987年两人离异。汤姆与现任妻子瑞塔-威尔森初次见面是在他演出电视剧《亲密伙伴》期间,1985年,两人因在《志愿者》中合作而坠入爱河,1988年4月30日在纽约举行了希腊传统式婚礼。由于受儿时父母离异的影响,汤姆非常珍惜家庭婚姻,是好莱坞有名的“新好男人”。汤姆与瑞塔有两个儿子,分别是生于1990年的曲斯特与1995年出生的楚曼。Thomas Jeffrey "Tom" Hanks (born July 9, 1956) is an American film actor, director, voice-over artist, writer and film producer. Hanks worked in television and family-friendly comedies before achieving success as a dramatic actor portraying several notable roles, including Andrew Beckett in Philadelphia, the title role in Forrest Gump, Commander James A. Lovell in Apollo 13, Captain John H. Miller in Saving Private Ryan, Michael Sullivan in Road to Perdition, Sheriff Woody in Disney/Pixar's Toy Story, and Chuck Noland in Cast Away. Hanks won back-to-back Oscars for Best Actor in 1993-94, and he is the third most successful actor in terms of box office totals, which exceed $3.3 billion.</p><p> Early life</p><p>Hanks was born in Concord, California. His father, Amos Mefford Hanks (born in Glenn County, California on March 4, 1924 – died in Alameda, California on January 31, 1992), was a distant relation of President Abraham Lincoln's mother Nancy Hanks. His mother, Portuguese-American Janet Marylyn Frager (born in Alameda County, California on January 18, 1932), was a hospital worker; the two divorced in 1960. The family's three oldest children, Sandra, (now Sandra Hanks Benoiton, a writer), Larry (now Lawrence M. Hanks, Ph.D., an entomology professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), and Tom went with their father, while the youngest, Jim, now an actor and film maker, remained with his mother in Red Bluff, California. Afterwards, both parents remarried. The first stepmother for Sandra, Larry, and Tom came to the marriage with five children of her own. Hanks once told Rolling Stone magazine: "Everybody in my family likes each other. But there were always about fifty people at the house. I didn't exactly feel like an outsider, but I was sort of outside it." That marriage ended in divorce after just 2 years.</p><p>Amos Hanks became a single parent, working long hours and relying on the children to fend for themselves often, an exercise in self-reliance that served the siblings well. In school, Hanks was unpopular with students and teachers alike, telling Rolling Stone magazine: "I was a geek, a spaz. I was horribly, painfully, terribly shy. At the same time, I was the guy who'd yell out funny captions during filmstrips. But I didn't get into trouble. I was always a real good kid and pretty responsible." In 1965, Amos Hanks married Frances Wong, a San Francisco native of Chinese descent. Frances had three children, two of whom lived with Tom during his high school years. Tom acted in school plays, including South Pacific, while attending Skyline High School in Oakland, California.</p><p>Hanks studied theater at Chabot College, and after two years, transferred to California State University, Sacramento. Hanks told the New York Times: "Acting classes looked like the best place for a guy who liked to make a lot of noise and be rather flamboyant. I spent a lot of time going to plays. I wouldn't take dates with me. I'd just drive to a theater, buy myself a ticket, sit in the seat, and read the program, and then get into the play completely. I spent a lot of time like that, seeing Bertolt Brecht, Tennessee Williams, Henrik Ibsen, and all that, and now look at me, acting is my job. I wouldn't have it any other way."</p><p>It was during his years' studying theater that Hanks met Vincent Dowling, head of the Great Lakes Theater Festival in Cleveland. At Dowling's suggestion, Hanks became an intern at the Festival, which stretched into a three-year experience that covered everything from lighting to set design to stage management. Such a commitment required that Hanks drop out of college, but with this under his belt, a future in acting was in the cards. Hanks won the Cleveland Critics Circle Award for Best Actor for his performance as Proteus in Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona, one of the few times he played a villain.</p><p>Early career</p><p>In 1979, Hanks packed his bags to New York City, where he made his film debut in the low-budget slasher film He Knows You're Alone and got a part in the television movie Mazes and Monsters. Early in 1979, Hanks was cast in the lead role of Callimaco in the Riverside Shakespeare Company's production of Niccolò Machiavelli's The Mandrake, directed by Daniel Southern. This remains Hanks' only New York stage performance to date; as a high profile Off Off Broadway showcase, the production helped Tom land an agent, Joe Ohla with the J. Michael Bloom Agency. The next year Hanks landed a lead role on the ABC television pilot of Bosom Buddies, playing the role of Kip Wilson. Hanks moved to Los Angeles, where he and Peter Scolari played a pair of young advertising men forced to dress as women so they could live in an inexpensive all-female hotel. Hanks had previously partnered with Scolari in the 1970s game show Make Me Laugh. Bosom Buddies ran for two seasons, and, although the ratings were never strong, television critics gave the program high marks. "The first day I saw him on the set," co-producer Ian Praiser told Rolling Stone, "I thought, 'Too bad he won't be in television for long.' I knew he'd be a movie star in two years." But if Praiser knew it, he was not able to convince Hanks. "The television show had come out of nowhere," best friend Tom Lizzio told Rolling Stone. "Then out of nowhere it got canceled. He figured he'd be back to pulling ropes and hanging lights in a theater."</p><p>Bosom Buddies and a guest appearance on a 1982 episode of Happy Days ("A Case of Revenge," where he played a disgruntled former classmate of The Fonz) prompted director Ron Howard to contact Hanks. Howard was working on Splash (1984), a romantic comedy fantasy about a mermaid who falls in love with a human. At first, Howard considered Hanks for the role of the main character's wisecracking brother, a role that eventually went to John Candy. Instead, Hanks got the lead role and a career boost from Splash, which went on to become a box-office hit, grossing more than US$69 million. He also had a sizable hit with the sex comedy Bachelor Party, also in 1984.</p><p>In 1983-84, Hanks made three guest appearances on Family Ties as Elyse Keaton's alcoholic brother, Ned Donnelly. Hanks also appears for a moment as an uncredited extra in the movie Real Genius (1985), when the lead character, Mitch, bumps into him in a crowd.</p><p> Period of hits and misses</p><p>Tom Hanks at the Governor’s Ball party after the 61st Academy Awards, March 29, 1989Film roles followed, with Splash being his first big hit. With Nothing in Common (1986)—about a young man alienated from his parents who must re-establish a relationship with his father, played by Jackie Gleason—Hanks began to establish the credentials of not only a comic actor but of someone who could carry a serious role. "It changed my desires about working in movies", Hanks told Rolling Stone. "Part of it was the nature of the material, what we were trying to say. But besides that, it focused on people's relationships. The story was about a guy and his father, unlike, say, The Money Pit (1986), where the story is really about a guy and his house."</p><p>After three more flops, Hanks succeeded with the fantasy Big (1988), both at the box office and within the industry, establishing Hanks as a major Hollywood talent. It was followed later that year by Punchline, in which he and Sally Field co-star as a pair of struggling stand-up comedians. Hanks's character, Steven Gold, a failing medical student trying to break into stand-up, was somewhat edgy and complex, offering a glimpse of the far more dramatic roles Hanks would master in films to come. Hanks's next project was the 1989 movie Turner and Hooch. In a 1993 issue of Disney Adventures, Hanks said, "I saw Turner and Hooch the other day in the SAC store and couldn't help but be reminiscent. I cried like a babe." He did admit to making a couple of "bum tickers," however, and blamed his "...deductive reasoning and decision making skills."</p><p>Hanks had another pile of box-office failures: The 'Burbs (1989), Joe Versus the Volcano (1990), and The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990), as a greedy Wall Street type who gets enmeshed in a hit-and-run accident.</p><p> Progression into dramatic roles</p><p>Hanks again climbed back to the top with his portrayal of an unsuccessful baseball manager in A League of Their Own (1992). Hanks admits that his acting in earlier roles was not great and that he has improved. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Hanks notes his "modern era of moviemaking ... because enough self-discovery has gone on.... My work has become less 'pretentiously fake and over the top." This "modern era" welcomed in a spectacular 1993 for Hanks, first with Sleepless in Seattle and then with Philadelphia. The former was a blockbuster success about a widower who finds true love (in the character of Meg Ryan) over the airwaves. Richard Schickel of Time called his performance "charming", and most critics agreed that his portrayal ensured him a place among the premiere romantic-comedy stars of his generation, making him bankable.</p><p>In Philadelphia, Hanks played a gay lawyer with AIDS who sues his firm for discrimination (Hanks lost thirty-five pounds and thinned his hair in order to appear sickly for the role). In a review for People, Leah Rozen stated "Above all, credit for "Philadelphia's" success belongs to Hanks, who makes sure that he plays a character, not a saint. He is flat-out terrific, giving a deeply felt, carefully nuanced performance that deserves an Oscar." Hanks won the 1993 Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in Philadelphia. During his acceptance speech he revealed that his high school drama teacher Rawley Farnsworth and former classmate John Gilkerson were gay. The revelation inspired the 1997 film In & Out, starring Kevin Kline as an English Literature teacher who is outed by a former student in a similar way.</p><p>Hanks followed Philadelphia with the 1994 summer hit Forrest Gump, and stated: "When I read the script for Gump, I saw it as one of those kind of grand, hopeful movies that the audience can go to and feel ... some hope for their lot and their position in life... I got that from the movies a hundred million times when I was a kid. I still do." Hanks won his second Best Actor Academy Award for his role in Forrest Gump, becoming only the second actor to have accomplished the feat of winning back-to-back Best Actor Oscars. (Spencer Tracy was the first, winning in 1937-38. Hanks and Tracy were the same age at the time they received their Academy Awards: 37 for the first and 38 for the second.)</p><p>Hanks's next project reunited him with Ron Howard in the 1995 movie Apollo 13, in which he played astronaut and commander James Lovell. Critics generally applauded the film and the performances of the entire cast, which included actors Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton, Gary Sinise, Ed Harris, and Kathleen Quinlan. The movie also earned nine Academy Award nominations, winning two. The same year, Hanks starred in the animated blockbuster Toy Story as the voice of Sheriff Woody.</p><p> Directing, producing and acting</p><p>Hanks turned to directing with his movie That Thing You Do! about a 1960s pop group, also playing the role of a music producer. Hanks and producer Gary Goetzman went on to create Playtone, a record and film production company named for the record company in the film.</p><p>Hanks executive produced, co-wrote, and co-directed the HBO docudrama From the Earth to the Moon. The twelve-part series chronicles the space program from its inception, through the familiar flights of Neil Armstrong and Jim Lovell, to the personal feelings surrounding the reality of moon landings. The Emmy Award-winning US$68 million project was one of the most expensive ventures taken for television. Hanks' next project was no less expensive.</p><p>For Saving Private Ryan he teamed up with Steven Spielberg to make a film about D-Day, the landing at Omaha Beach, and a quest through war-torn France to bring back a soldier who has a ticket home. It earned the praise and respect of the film community, critics, and the general public; it was labeled one of the finest war films ever made, earning Spielberg his second Academy Award for direction and Hanks a Best Actor nomination. Later in 1998, Hanks re-teamed with his Sleepless in Seattle co-star Meg Ryan for another romantic comedy, You've Got Mail, a remake of 1940's The Shop Around the Corner, which starred James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan.</p><p>In 1999, Hanks starred in an adaptation of Stephen King's novel The Green Mile. He also returned as the voice of Woody in Toy Story 2. The following year he won a Golden Globe for Best Actor and an Academy nomination for his portrayal of a marooned FedEx systems &#97;n&#97;lyst in Robert Zemeckis's Cast Away. In 2001, Hanks helped direct and produce the acclaimed HBO mini-series Band of Brothers. He also appeared in the September 11 television special America: A Tribute to Heroes and the documentary Rescued From the Closet.</p><p>Next he teamed up with American Beauty director Sam Mendes for the adaptation of Max Allan Collins's and Richard Piers Rayner's graphic novel Road to Perdition, in which he played an anti-hero role as a hitman on the run with his son. That same year, Hanks collaborated with director Spielberg again, starring opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in the hit crime comedy Catch Me if You Can, based on the true story of Frank Abagnale, Jr. The same year, he and wife Rita Wilson produced the hit movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. In August 2007, he along with co-producers Rita Wilson and Gary Goetzman, and writer and star Nia Vardalos, initiated a legal action against the production company Gold Circle Films for their share of profits from the movie. At the age of 45, he became the youngest ever recipient of the American Film Institutes's Life Achievement Award on June 12, 2002.</p><p>Hanks was absent from the screen in 2003; in 2004, he appeared in three films: The Coen Brothers' The Ladykillers, another Spielberg helmed film, The Terminal, and The Polar Express, a family film from Robert Zemeckis. In a USA Weekend interview, Hanks talked about how he chooses projects: " A League of Their Own, it can't be just another movie for me. It has to get me going somehow.... There has to be some all-encompassing desire or feeling about wanting to do that particular movie. I'd like to assume that I'm willing to go down any avenue in order to do it right". In August 2005, Hanks was voted in as vice president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.</p><p>Hanks next starred in the highly anticipated film The Da Vinci Code, based on the bestselling novel by Dan Brown. The film was released May 19, 2006 in the US and grossed over US$750 million worldwide. In Ken Burns's 2007 documentary "The War", Hanks did voice work, reading excerpts from World War II-era columns by Al McIntosh. In 2006, Hanks topped a 1,500-strong list of 'most trusted celebrities' compiled by Forbes magazine. Hanks next appeared in a cameo role as himself in The Simpsons Movie, in which he appears in an advertisement claiming that the US government has lost its credibility and is hence buying some of his. He also makes an appearance in the credits, stating that he wishes to be left alone when he is out in public.</p><p>In 2007, Hanks starred in Mike Nichols' film Charlie Wilson's War (written by acclaimed screenwriter Aaron Sorkin) in which he plays Democratic Texas Congressman Charles Wilson. The film opened on December 21, 2007 and Hanks got a Golden Globe nomination for his acting.</p><p>In a play on the expression "art imitating life", Hanks was going to play an on screen dad to a young man (Hanks' real-life son, Colin Hanks) who chooses to follow in the footsteps of a fading magician (John Malkovich) in The Great Buck Howard. Hanks' character was less than thrilled about his son's career decision. A film adaptation of Angels & Demons, the prequel to The Da Vinci Code, had been announced, and on April 11, 2007 it was revealed that Hanks was going to reprise his role as Robert Langdon and that he would've reportedly received the highest salary ever for an actor.</p><p>Top worldwide film grosses</p><p>Hanks has been involved with nineteen films grossing over $100 million at the box office:</p><p>Year Title Role Gross Income of Movie </p><p>1984 Splash Allen Bauer $69,821,334 </p><p>Bachelor Party Rick Gassko $38,400,000 </p><p>1985 The Man With One Red Shoe Richard Harlan Drew $8,645,411 </p><p>Volunteers Lawrence Whatley Bourne III $19,875,740 </p><p>1986 The Money Pit Walter Fielding, Jr. $37,499,651 </p><p>1987 Dragnet Pep Streebeck $57,387,000 </p><p>1988 Big Adult Josh Baskin $151,668,774 </p><p>1989 Turner and Hooch Detective Scott Turner $71,079,915 </p><p>The 'Burbs Ray Peterson $41,101,993 </p><p>1990 Joe Versus the Volcano Joe Banks $43,226,950 </p><p>1990 The Bonfire of the Vanities Sherman McCoy $15,691,192 </p><p>1992 A League of Their Own Jimmy Dugan $132,440,069 </p><p>1993 Sleepless in Seattle Sam Baldwin $227,799,884 </p><p>Philadelphia Andrew Beckett $206,678,440 </p><p>1994 Forrest Gump Forrest Gump $677,387,716 </p><p>1995 Apollo 13 Jim Lovell $355,237,933 </p><p>Toy Story (voice) Woody $361,958,736 </p><p>1996 That Thing You Do! Mr. White $25,857,416 </p><p>1998 Saving Private Ryan Captain John H. Miller $481,840,909 </p><p>You've Got Mail Joe Fox $250,821,495 </p><p>1999 Toy Story 2 (voice) Woody $485,015,179 </p><p>The Green Mile Paul Edgecomb $286,801,374 </p><p>2000 Cast Away Chuck Noland $429,632,142 </p><p>2002 Road to Perdition Michael Sullivan, Sr. $181,001,478 </p><p>Catch Me if You Can FBI Agent Carl Hanratty $352,114,312 </p><p>2004 The Terminal Viktor Navorski $219,417,255 </p><p>The Polar Express (voice/motion capture) Santa Claus, Express Conductor, Hobo, Hero Boy, Father $303,200,434 </p><p>2006 The Da Vinci Code Professor Robert Langdon $758,239,851 </p><p>2007 The Simpsons Movie (voice) Himself $526,759,734 </p><p>Charlie Wilson's War Charlie Wilson $118,081,987 </p><p>2009 Angels & Demons Professor Robert Langdon N/A </p><p>2010 Toy Story 3 (voice) Woody N/A </p><p> Awards and nominations</p><p>Year Award Category Film Result </p><p>1988 Academy Award Best Actor Big Nominated </p><p>Saturn Award Best Actor Won </p><p>Golden Globe Award Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy Won </p><p>1993 Academy Award Best Actor Philadelphia Won </p><p>Sliver Berlin Bear Best Actor Won </p><p>Golden Globe Award Best Actor - Motion Picture Drama Won </p><p>Golden Globe Award Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy Sleepless in Seattle Nominated </p><p>1994 Academy Award Best Actor Forrest Gump Won </p><p>Saturn Award Best Actor Nominated </p><p>BAFTA Award Best Actor Nominated </p><p>Golden Globe Award Best Actor - Motion Picture Drama Won </p><p>NBR Award Best Actor Won </p><p>SAG Award Outstanding Actor - Motion Picture Won </p><p>1998 Academy Award Best Actor Saving Private Ryan Nominated </p><p>BAFTA Award Best Actor Nominated </p><p>Empire Award Best Actor Won </p><p>Golden Globe Award Best Actor - Motion Picture Drama Nominated </p><p>SAG Award Outstanding Actor - Motion Picture Nominated </p><p>Outstanding Cast - Motion Picture Nominated </p><p>1999 SAG Award Outstanding Cast - Motion Picture The Green Mile Nominated </p><p>2000 Academy Award Best Actor Cast Away Nominated </p><p>BAFTA Award Best Actor Nominated </p><p>Golden Globe Award Best Actor - Motion Picture Drama Won </p><p>NYFCC Award Best Actor Won </p><p>SAG Award Outstanding Actor - Motion Picture Nominated </p><p>2002 Empire Award Best Actor Road to Perdition Nominated </p><p>2002 AFI Life Achievement Award LifeWon </p><p>2007 Golden Globe Award Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy Charlie Wilson's War Nominated光知道他的兄弟连和拯救大兵瑞恩</p><p><img src='https://www.dfrlyy.com/zb_users/upload/2022/02/20220204212843_17943.jpg' alt='sam成就'></p><h2>求SAM资料</h2><p>这些东西其实你百度一下就出来了,我帮你找了,如下~</p><p>Sam(邪恶力量)的演员Jared Padalecki</p><p>Birth Name: Jared Tristan Padalecki </p><p>中文译名:贾德·帕达里克</p><p>Gender: Male </p><p>Birthplace: San Antonio, Texas </p><p>Birthday: 7-19-1982 </p><p>身高:193</p><p>Hometown is San Antonio, Texas </p><p>出生地是得克萨斯,圣安东尼奥 </p><p>Has the same manager as Freddie Prinze Jr. </p><p>与Freddie Prinze Jr.是同一个经济人 </p><p>Won Fox TV's "Claim To Fame" Contest and got to present at the 1999 Teen Choice Awards. </p><p>1999年赢得了FOX电台的"Claim To Fame"比赛并出席了Teen Choice的颁奖典礼 </p><p>Has been taking acting classes since he was 12. </p><p>12岁开始学习表演 </p><p>Graduated from James Madison High School in 2000. </p><p>2000年毕业于James Madison高中 </p><p>Older brother is named Jeff, younger sister is named Megan </p><p>哥哥叫Jeff,妹妹叫Megan </p><p>Favorite book is "The Great Gats&#98;y" </p><p>最喜欢的书是"了不起的盖茨比" </p><p>[盖茨比是美国中西部的一个穷孩子,他爱上了一位“大家闺秀”黛西。战争爆发了,盖茨比去海外参战。当他戴着军功勋章回来时,戴西已经嫁给了芝加哥的富家子弟汤姆。盖茨比悟到:因为他没有钱,所以他失去了黛西;如果他有钱,有比汤姆更多的钱,他就能夺回黛西。于是他怀着对黛西的痴情,怀着献身爱情的理想,开始了顽强的奋斗。他想方设法甚至不择手段赚钱,终于成为一个有钱人。他在黛西住所的海湾对面买下了一幢豪华的别墅,举行盛大的宴会,想以次来吸引黛西。他通过黛西表哥卡罗威的帮忙,终于在跟心爱的姑娘分手五年后再次同她见面,并向她表白了他不变的爱情。黛西虽然为他的忠诚和执着感动,对他现有的财富不免动心,也对粗野不忠的tom深感失望,但她最终没有勇气离开她的丈夫离开她的家。在一次摊牌和争吵之后,心情不宁的黛西在驾车回家途中恰好撞死了tom的情人威尔逊太太。盖茨比决定为黛西承担责任,但嫉妒的tom嫁祸于人,指使威尔逊太太的丈夫枪杀了盖茨比。当他冰凉的尸体浸泡在游泳池水中时,tom和黛西重归于好,出门旅行去了。] </p><p>Favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough </p><p>最喜欢的冰激凌口味是巧克力碎屑和曲奇 </p><p>His favorite movie is Good Will Hunting (1997). </p><p>最喜欢的电影是"壮志骄阳"(骄阳似我/心灵捕手) </p><p>Weekend attire is t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes, or anything that's comfortable </p><p>周末爱穿牛仔裤、T-shirt、网球鞋及那些休闲舒适的衣服 </p><p>Favorite food is cheeseburger with mustard lettuce and tomato. </p><p>最喜欢的食物是干酪面包加莴苣叶配番茄酱或者芥末酱 </p><p>Born in 1982, he is the youngest cast member of the TV series "Gilmore Girls" (2000), approximately a year younger than Alexis Bledel. </p><p>1982年出生 他在2000年GG剧组里是最年轻的演员,比Alexis Bledel还要年轻1岁~ </p><p>He is the second tallest male cast member of "Gilmore Girls" (2000), standing about 3 inches taller than Scott Patterson and about 1 to 2 inches shorter than Edward Herrmann. </p><p>他是2000年GG剧组里第二高的演员 </p><p>大概比最高的Edward Herrmann矮1到2英寸 比Scott Patterson高3英寸 </p><p>Has two dogs. </p><p>养了2条小狗~ </p><p>Was considered for the role of Superman/Clark Kent in the proposed relaunch of the Superman film franchise. </p><p>曾经被考虑出演Superman returns中的Clark Kent一角 </p><p>Favorite band is Our Lady Peace </p><p>最喜欢的乐队是Our Lady Peace </p><p>〔成军于92年,来自多伦多的OLP全名为Our Lady Peace,团名灵感来自一首名诗,团员以此来表达乐团成立的精神,希望人们在他们的音乐里找到慰藉而在失意受挫的人生找到出口。 一年中总有超过一半的时间在北美各地巡演,他们已是加拿大各项音乐奖的常胜军,并有一票死忠的年轻乐迷跟随。〕 </p><p>He is four years younger than his TV older brother, Jensen Ackles. </p><p>他比剧中的哥哥Jensen Ackles小4岁(这个还需要介绍么.....) </p><p>He and classmate Chris Cardeans together won the National Forensics League national championship in Duo Interpretation in 1998. </p><p>98年他和同学Chris Cardeans共同夺得了the National Forensics League双人演讲比赛的冠军 </p><p>He and his Supernatural co-star Jensen Ackles were voted People Magazine's "Sexiest Ghostbusters" in 2005. </p><p>他和同演SPN的男演员Jensen Ackles被人物杂志票选为05年全球最性感的男生 </p><p>Close friends with actor Chad Michael Murray; they met on the set of Gilmore Girls. They also stared in the 1953 remake of House of Wax. </p><p>他和演员Chad Michael Murray是亲密的朋友,他们在GG首映礼上见面,并且同时成名与翻拍53年的恐怖蜡像馆一片(偶想到jensen4.1了...原来就是这个长的有点像Beckham的那个啊- -|||) </p><p>Good friends with actor Derek Lee Nixon & Director Andrew Pozza from San Antonio, Texas. </p><p>与同来得克萨斯,圣安东尼奥的导演Andrew Pozza和演员Derek Lee Nixon是很好的朋友 </p><p>Is best friends with Jensen Ackles, his on screen brother in "Supernatural". </p><p>和"超自然档案"(这个算是官方的翻译?)演哥哥的Jensen Ackles是最好的朋友 </p><p>Jared was chosen as one of People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive for 2007.</p><p>被选为《人物》杂志2007最性感男人之一</p><p>During the filming of House of Wax, Jared locked himself out of his house several times and had to call his roommate and co-star Chad Michael Murray to let him in.</p><p>在拍摄《蜡像院魔王》的时候,他把自己锁在房子外面很多次,不得不叫他的室友chad给他开门。</p><p>Jared appeared at the CW launch party on September 18, 2006.</p><p>2006年9月18日,他出现在CW电视台的午餐会上。</p><p>其他相关小介绍: </p><p>祖父是波兰人、1982年出生在美国得克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥市,贾德·帕达里克还有一位哥哥和一位妹妹,父母的职业分别是高中英文老师和税务主管。作为一位品学兼优的学生,高中时他曾被推选为2000年总统奖学金的候选人之一,还曾和搭档Chris Cardenas一起在全国即席演讲联盟(National Forensic League)举办的全国性高中生演讲竞赛中获得“双人组口译”(Duo Interpretation)的冠军。1999年,帕达里克在叔叔的鼓励之下参加了由福克斯电视网赞助的选秀比赛“Claim to Fame”,赢得了比赛并且参加了当年的青少年选择奖颁奖礼,不久后他便被现在的经纪人签下。2000年高中即将毕业之前,帕达里克放弃了入学德克萨斯大学的计划,搬家到洛洛衫机寻求演艺发展。1999年,通过一部名为《A Little Inside》的影片他的名字首次出现在了演员表上,次年便得到了电视剧《吉尔莫女孩》中新搬到镇子上来、与害羞的女主角相爱的Dean Forester的角色。他是本剧的主要演员中年纪最小的一位,也是个子第二高的一位,五年的出演时间里从无名小卒逐渐成长为了在青少年观众中享有极高知名度的青春偶像。与此同时,贾德·帕达里克还亮相了《Silent Witness》、《Close to Home》、《A Ring of Endless Light》、《Young MacGyver》等几部小成本的电视电影,03年的卖座家庭喜剧片《儿女一箩筐》中也可以短暂见到他的身影。2004年,帕达里克出演了奥尔森双胞胎领衔的《纽约时刻》一片,丹尼斯·奎德和泰瑞斯·吉布森主演的动作惊悚片《凤凰劫》中也有一个小角色,05年在伊丽莎·库斯伯特、查德·迈克尔·墨瑞以及帕丽斯·希尔顿主演的《蜡像院魔王》以及另一部校园恐怖片《狼来了》中担任配角。同样在05年,贾德·帕达里克得到了WB奇幻剧集《邪恶力量》中较为理性和敏感的弟弟Sam Winchester的角色,这也成为了他继《吉尔莫女孩》之后又一个成功的角色,为此赢得了更为广泛的粉丝基础。接下来,贾德·帕达里克还将在艾什顿·库彻制片的MTV频道恐怖片真人秀节目《Room 401》中担任主持人。 </p><p>作品列表: </p><p>1."Supernatural" .... Sam Winchester (2005-连载中) </p><p>2.Thomas Kinkade's Home For Christmas (2007) </p><p>3.Cry_Wolf (2005) .... Tom </p><p>4.House of Wax (2005) .... Wade </p><p>5."Gilmore Girls" .... Dean Forester (2000-2004) </p><p>6.Flight of the Phoenix (2004) .... Davis </p><p>7.New York Minute (2004/I) .... Trey Lipton </p><p>8.Cheaper by the Dozen (2003) (uncredited) .... Bully </p><p>9.Young MacGyver (2003) (TV) .... Clay MacGyver </p><p>10.A Ring of Endless Light (2002) (TV) .... Zachery Gray </p><p>11."ER" </p><p>- Piece of Mind (2001) TV Episode .... Paul Harris </p><p>12.Close to Home (2001) (TV) </p><p>13.Silent Witness (2000) (TV) .... Sam </p><p>14.A Little Inside (1999) .... Matt Nelson </p><p>... aka Me and Dad (Australia: Pay-TV title) (USA: TV title)</p>
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