<h2>阅读下面一首宋词,完成小题。采桑子 欧阳修轻...</h2><p align="center"></p><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div> <br>小题1:上片第一句总领全词,点明题意,直抒赞美之情。(2分)上片描写了蜿专蜒曲折的绿属水、长满芳草的长堤、动听的乐声和歌声,构成了一幅美好的春光图。(3分)<br>小题1:一、二句写风平浪静,把水面比作明净平滑的琉璃,更以船的缓慢移动写出了“静”(2分)三、四句写涟漪微起,惊动了沙洲上的水鸟,水鸟拂过堤岸飞去,写出了“动”。(2分)诗人既写出了静态,又写出了动态,动静相衬,动静结合,写出了西湖春色的多姿多彩,表现了诗人流连山水的愉快心境。(2分)(仅答比喻最多给2分)<h2>欧阳修的唐诗宋词原文译文及赏析</h2><p align="center"></p>蝶恋花 <br />庭院深深深几许? deep, <br /> .<br />杨柳堆烟,帘幕无重数。 玉勒雕鞍游治处,楼高不见章台路<br /><br />雨横风狂三月暮。门掩黄昏,无计留春住。<br />泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。<br /> tune"butterflies lingering over flowers'<br />deep, deep the courtyard where he is ,so <br /> It's veiled by smoke-like willows heap on heap<br />by curtain on curtain and screen on sceen.<br /> leaving his saddle and bridle, there he hasbeen merry-making.From my tower he can't be seen<br />the third month now, the wind and rain are raging late, at duskI bar the gate, but I can't bar in spring. My tearful eyes ask flowers but they fail to bring an answer. I see blossoms fall beyond the swing.