
一路 来看看广州人的“冬季菜单”吧

2022-2-6 11:26| 发布者: 真和叼叼| 查看: 145| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】Let's have a look at the winter menu of Guangzhou people

一路 来看看广州人的“冬季菜单”吧

What's good to eat in winter? The winter menu of Guangzhou people is very rich. In terms of food ingredients, seasonal fresh vegetables such as flowering cabbageand radish are on the market one after another, while nourishing fresh fish, beef and mutton are the best in winter. With the sudden drop of temperature, online shopping has become the choice of many people, with hot pot ingredients, soup ingredients, preserved meat and other winter food products as representatives into the hot seller list. The combination of online and offline functions can provide delicious food to warm the whole winter.

进 冬合适 吃什么?广州人的“冬季菜单”很是 丰富 。食材方面,菜心、沙窝萝卜等时令鲜蔬陆续登场,滋补的新颖 鱼肉、牛羊肉等成为冬季佳品。随同 着气温骤降,线上购物成为不少人选择,以暖锅 料、煲汤料、腊味等为代表的冬季食材进进 热销行列。线上线下共联动,广府美食样样有,暖和 全部 冬季。

起源 :羊城晚报


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