
小小“吃货”齐表态 ,广州呆萌小动物共享美食

2022-2-6 11:29| 发布者: ahgoioihag385| 查看: 72| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】Here comes the little foodie! Cute animals enjoy delicious food in Guangzhou!

小小“吃货”齐表态 ,广州呆萌小动物共享美食

Chimelong Wildlife World in Guangzhou recently held a popular science activity themed “Animals eat well”. During the event, the nursery staff prepared a variety of delicacies for the cubs of endangered species, which attracted many visitors. The nurses showed the process of preparing and *** food to the visitors, so that they could understand the foods the animals enjoyed eatingand closely observe the appearance of baby animals eating.

近日,广州长隆野活泼 物世界在动物幼儿园举行 了“动物吃得好”主题科普运动 。运动 中,保育员为濒危物种幼崽们现场制造 丰盛 美食,吸引不少旅客 立足 围不雅 。本次运动 中,保育员将预备 、制造 食品 的进程 搬到旅客 眼前 ,让旅客 懂得 到动物们的食谱及美食制造 进程 ,也能近间隔 察看 到动物宝宝们进食的样子。

起源 :羊城晚报


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