
进博共话:他们为什么pick年夜 湾区?

2022-2-6 11:29| 发布者: 深蓝| 查看: 99| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】Interviews at the CIIE: Why do they choose the Greater Bay Area?

进博共话:他们为什么pick年夜 湾区?

The just-concluded 4th CIIE has been very rewarding. The huge market potential of China has become a “magnet” for foreign companies, while the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with a population of approximately 70 million, hasattracted the attention of exhibitorseven more. Through the platform of CIIEall the companies want to further expand the market in the Greater Bay Area. What makes this such an interesting area? Let’s listen to what they have to say!

方才 停止 的第四届中国国际入口 展览会 收成 颇丰。中国宏大 的市场潜力已成为吸引外资外企的“强磁铁”,而拥有约7000万生齿 的粤港澳年夜 湾区更饱受参展商存眷 ,他们都想借助进博会平台进一步结构 和深耕粤港澳年夜 湾区市场。他们为什么pick年夜 湾区?一路 来听听他们怎么说!

起源 :羊城晚报


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