
这些礼品 见证了广州的“国际伴侣 圈”

2022-2-8 20:28| 发布者: gao3803797| 查看: 107| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】These gifts bear witness to Guangzhou’s “International Circle of Friends”

这些礼品 见证了广州的“国际伴侣 圈”

The exchange of gifts between sister cities is essential.For example, Guangzhou lent giant pandas to the zoo in Fukuoka, Japanand sent fireworks to Lyon, France. These gifts bear witness to the beautiful memories between Guangzhou and its international sister cities, and also convey the hope of sharing the opportunities of the times. On the just-concluded Global Mayors’ Forum(GMF), Guangzhou explored a new way for the city to cooperate internationally with its foreign friends and is looking forward to realizing common prosperity and development.

广州的友城礼品 品种多样,如广州向日本福冈的动物园借展年夜 熊猫、给法国里昂送往 现场烟花年夜 汇演等。这些礼品 见证了广州与国际友城之间的美妙 回想 ,也传递出共享时期 机会 。在方才 停止 的全球市长论坛上,广州也与外国“老友 ”深刻 切磋 了城市国际合作的将来 路径,盼望 实现配合 繁华 与成长 。

起源 :羊城晚报


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