
晚秋初冷 好风日,这里如同被打翻的调色盘

2022-2-8 20:28| 发布者: 海纳百川| 查看: 94| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】Chebaling: The overturned color palette of nature

晚秋初冷 好风日,这里如同被打翻的调色盘

The Chebaling National Nature Reserveis located in the southeast of Shixing County, Guangdong Province. As one of the nature reserves of forest and wild animals in China,during late autumn and early winter, every leaf here seems to wear colorful clothes, and every scenery in every corner has its unique charm, providing a good habitatand living environment for those endangered wild animals and rare plants.

车八岭位于广东省始兴县东南部,作为中国丛林 和野活泼 物类型天然 维护 区之一,暮秋 初冬的车八岭,一片片树叶仿佛穿上了五彩的霓裳,层层晕染间彰显得壮丽 缤纷,每个角落里的每一处景致 都有奇特 的魅力,为珍稀濒危的野活泼 植物供给 了杰出 的栖息地与保存 情况 。

起源 :羊城晚报


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