
秋天 限制 ,羊城菊会又来了

2022-2-8 20:30| 发布者: 飞飞大小大飞飞| 查看: 66| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】The Autumn Chrysanthemum Exhibition assembly in Guangzhou came again

秋天 限制 ,羊城菊会又来了

The Tang Dynasty(618-907) poet Yuan Zhenwrote, “I don’t have a particular preference for chrysanthemum, yet there are indeed no better looking flowers than the chrysanthemum once it blooms”. Just howpretty is the chrysanthemumflower? The vast chrysanthemum sea unveiled last Saturday in Guangzhou may give a hint. In addition to appreciating chrysanthemums, a series of chrysanthemum-themed paintings and calligraphy, flower arrangement exhibitions, and a youth live sketch competition were also showcased, adding a cultural charm to the blooming flowers.

唐朝诗人元稹曾写到“不是花中偏心 菊,此花开尽更无花”。菊花到底有多美呢?也许第62届羊城菊会可以告知 我们谜底 。除了观赏 菊花,现场还供给 了一系列以菊花为主题的字画 、插花展览、青少年现场写生竞赛 等运动 ,为现场增加 了一丝文化魅力。

起源 :羊城晚报


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