
暨南年夜 学,115岁诞辰 快活 !

2022-2-8 20:30| 发布者: 紫檀湘| 查看: 68| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】Happy 115th birthday, Jinan University!

暨南年夜 学,115岁诞辰 快活 !

Jinan University’s 115th birthday is approaching!From Jinan Academy’s establishmentmore than 100 years ago, to today, Jinan University has played a leading role in the field of higher education.Song Xianzhong, president of Jinan University, said that Jinan Universitywill continue to create new glory in overseas Chinese higher education.SuBingtianalso sent his wishes and said that the spirit of self-improvement encouraged him to become the first Asian to run in the men’s 100 meters final at the Olympics.

暨南年夜 学115岁诞辰 到啦!从一百多年前设立的暨南书院 ,到本日 华侨高级 教导 范畴 的着名 高校,暨年夜 历经患难 却生生不息。暨年夜 校长宋献中在年夜 会上致辞时表现 暨年夜 持续 发明 华侨高级 教导 新光辉 。苏炳添也为黉舍 献上祝福,他说恰是 发奋图强 的暨南精力 激励 着他成为第一个跑进奥运男人 百米决赛的亚洲人!

起源 :羊城晚报



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