
广州考古百件文物精品与十年夜 主要 发明 揭晓

2022-2-11 22:11| 发布者: 家园小助手| 查看: 16| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】Guangzhou archaeological 100 cultural relics and ten important discoveries announced

广州考古百件文物精品与十年夜 主要 发明 揭晓

See the latest cultural relics in Guangzhou! These relics, spanning from the late Neolithic Age to the Qing Dynasty, bear the human social history of 5,000 years and the urban memory of more than 2,200 years in Guangzhou, presenting a fresh and vivid picture of the life of our ancestors. Some of them such as tombs, building foundations and kiln sites, have been selected in the list of “100 fine cultural relics and the ten important discoveries of Guangzhou archaeology”.

来看“老广”家门口的宝物 !这些文物时光 跨越从新石器时期 晚期至清代,承载了广州五六千年的人类社会汗青 和2200余年的城市记忆,展示 了鲜活、活泼 的先平易近 生涯 图景。此中 部门 古墓、古建筑、字画 等还进 选“广州考古百件文物精品与十年夜 主要 发明 ”。

起源 :羊城晚报


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