
揭阳:汗青 长久 的“中国玉都”

2022-2-11 22:13| 发布者: UNDERTAKER林| 查看: 13| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】Jieyang: The Time-honored "Jade Capital of China"

揭阳:汗青 长久 的“中国玉都”

Jieyang, an ancient city of thousands of years in eastern Guangdong, is famously known as the “Jade capital of Asia” and “Jade capital of China”. Yangmei jade carving absorbs the essence of Chaoshan area wood carvings, stone carvings and other traditional crafts, summing up a set of independent design concepts and processing skills.The continuous inheritance and innovation of jade carving skills and talentspromote the further developmentoftheJieyang jade industry.

粤东千年古邑揭阳有着“亚洲玉都”“中国玉都”的盛名。阳美玉雕接收 了潮汕地域 木雕、石雕、潮绣、陶瓷等传统工艺的精髓 ,总结出一整套自力 的设计理念和加工身手 。不竭 传承立异 的玉雕身手 和薪火相传的玉雕人才也不竭 助力揭阳玉文化财产 成长 。

起源 :羊城晚报


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