

2022-2-12 18:49| 发布者: 家园小助手| 查看: 70| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【雲上嶺南】Valiant athletes from Guangzhou made their Debut in the Beijing Olympic Winter Games! Students in Guangzhou were swaying their ice hockey sticks in the Ice Stadium to cheer them on


Cheer for the Guangzhou athletes! 17 athletes from Guangdong participated in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, and 16 of them were chosen to be members of the Chinese Women’s Ice Hockey National Team. This strong army once won the first championship in the Professional Ice Hockey League for China. On February 3, the Chinese Women’s Ice Hockey Team played their first match against the Czech Republic, which was also the first time they contested in this field of the Olympic Winter Games. When the coldness of the Olympics Winter Games encountered enthusiastic Guangdong, the students in Guangdong passionately swayed their ice hockey sticks to cheer on the athletes who come from their hometown.

为南粤健儿加油!广东17名活动 员介入 本次北京冬奥会,此中 16人进 选中国女子冰球国度 队。这支强军曾为中国拿到了第一个职业冰球联赛冠军。2月3日,中国女子冰球队首战捷克,这也是广州活动 员第一次在冬奥会赛场挥洒她们的汗水。冬奥冰雪与火热南粤相遇,引得广州学生冰场*** 挥棍,为奥运健儿加油助威。

起源 :云上岭南


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