
醒狮贺新春!佛山雄狮向全球华人拜年夜 年!

2022-2-12 18:49| 发布者: gao3803797| 查看: 82| 评论: 0| 查看评论

【老广贺春】The Awakening Lions greet the New Year! Lions from Foshan Pay a New Year's Call to All Chinese People Around the World!

醒狮贺新春!佛山雄狮向全球华人拜年夜 年!

When the Spring Festival comes, the lively and jubilant lion dance awakes the passion for the new year of everyone in Nanhai, Foshan. As a traditional folk activity, what lies in the lion dance is the independent and vibrant spirit of the Chinese. Every brushstroke on the lions before the dance is to wish everyone a lucky, smooth and happy year. Lions from Foshan pay a New Year's call to all Chinese people around the world! Wish you to be fortunate in the Year of the Tiger!

每逢春节,热烈 喜庆的狮醒表演叫醒 了每个佛山南海人对于新春的所有*** 。醒狮作为一种风俗 运动 ,储藏 着中国人自立自强、生生不息的精气神。醒狮开端 前画在狮子上的每一笔都在预祝大师 来年吉利 高照,眼不雅 六路,笑口常开。佛山南海雄狮向全球华人拜年夜 年!祝大师 新的一年“狮”来运行,虎虎生威!

起源 :云上岭南


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