I'm working on a basic blogging platform with the nextjs framework, where a user can create an account then write and post blogs. I'm wondering the best way to handle the authentication, since I have a navbar component which changes based on whether the user is logged in or not. Right now when the user logs in, a jwtToken
is generated which contains their user id. This token is then verified on the backend like this:
jwt.verify(tokenString.jwtToken, process.env.SECRET)
Right now I have to verify this token on each page, then pass the verified token to the navbar through props. It's fine if my app only has 5 pages, but if the app scales up this might be cumbersome or I may forget to run this on a page.
Is there a better way to do this? Ideally I would just verify this token once (maybe in the _document.js file) and pass it down from there, but I'm not sure if nextjs is equipped to do that. Any ideas?