I saw there is a topic which looks like mine but it doesn't really answer to my problem because we don't manage the errors in the same way. FormBuilder group is deprecated
First of all, i just migrated to Angular 11 and i have this problem now:
group is deprecated: This api is not typesafe and can result in issues with Closure Compiler renaming.
Use the `FormBuilder#group` overload with `AbstractControlOptions` instead.
In this page i generate automatically many forms on my page and in the case of a date range i use two datepickers. I created a function for checking the values in the 2 date pickers.
newGroup = this.fb.group(
[node.type + '_' + node.objectId + '_dateFrom']: [
[node.type + '_' + node.objectId + '_dateTo']: [
validator: CheckFromToDate(
node.type + '_' + node.objectId + '_dateFrom',
node.type + '_' + node.objectId + '_dateTo'
export function CheckFromToDate(fromName: string, toName: string) {
return (formGroup: FormGroup) => {
const from = formGroup.controls[fromName];
const to = formGroup.controls[toName];
const dateFrom = new Date(from.value);
const dateTo = new Date(to.value);
const today = new Date();
if (to.errors && from.errors) {
// return if another validator has already found an error on the matchingControl
if (!from.value) {
from.setErrors({ wrongDate: true });
} else if (!to.value) {
to.setErrors({ wrongDate: true });
} else if (dateFrom.getTime() < -3600000) {
from.setErrors({ wrongDate: true });
} else if (dateFrom > today) {
from.setErrors({ wrongDate: true });
} else if (dateTo.getTime() < -3600000) {
to.setErrors({ wrongDate: true });
} else if (dateTo > today) {
to.setErrors({ wrongDate: true });
} else if (dateFrom.getTime() > dateTo.getTime()) {
from.setErrors({ fromTo: true });
to.setErrors({ fromTo: true });
} else {
how i can make my validators work with the new way of handling validators in angular 11 please ?