I'm creating an app that uses redux to store all objects added by the user. I have a home screen where all objects are displayed, and from which the user can navigate to the specific one. On that screen, he can edit it and delete it from the app. I have a problem with implementing delete functionality, I want to dispatch action and navigate to the home screen. Currently, my code looks like that:
// that's how I get object from store in Plant component
const plant = useSelector((state) =>
state.plants.plants.find((plant) => plant.id === props.route.params.plantId));
// onPress deleteButton
// reducer
const updatedPlants = [...state.plants].filter((plant) => plant.id !== action.plantId);
return { ...state, plants: updatedPlants };
But the problem is, my app crashes after deleting the plant because the plant variable is undefined on the Plant screen. Currently, I found a workaround, in the render function, I check if the plant variable is undefined, and if it is I just return empty View.
I feel there's a better way to do it, could you help me with it?