Here is my suggestion. Please view it as pseudo-code as I did not run it.
If the content document ids are not previsible
You have to store and maintain which user has seen which content, for example in a collection: /seen/uid_contentId
See here a clever way to get a random document from a collection. You need to store the size of the collection, perhaps as a document in another collection. So here is how you could do it:
const snapshot = await firestore.doc(`/userSeen/${uid}`).get(); // do it only once
const alreadySeen = snapshot.exists ? : [];
async function getContent(uid) {
for (let trials = 0; trials < 10; trials++) { // limit the cost
const startAt = Math.random() * contentCollectionSize;
const snapshot = await firestore.collection("/contents").startAt(startAt).limit(1).get();
const document = snapshot.empty ? null :[0]; // a random content
if(document.exists && !alreadySeen.includes( {
await firestore.doc(`/userSeen/${uid}`).set({contents: arrayUnion(}); // mark it as seen
return document;
return null;
Here you may have to make several queries to Firestore (capped to 10 to limit the cost), because you are not able to compute the content document ids on the client side.
If the content document ids follow a simple pattern: 1, 2, 3, ...
To save up costs and performance, you should store all the seen contents for each user in a single document (the limit is 1MB, that is more than 250,000 integers!). Then you download this document once per user, and check on the client side if a random content was already seen.
const snapshot = await firestore.doc(`/userSeen/${uid}`).get(); // do it only once
const alreadySeen = snapshot.exists ? : [];
async function getContent(uid) {
let idx = Math.random() * contentCollectionSize;
for (let trials = 0; trials < contentCollectionSize; trials++) {
idx = idx + 1 < contentCollectionSize ? idx + 1 : 0;
if(alreadySeen.includes(idx)) continue; // this shortcut reduces the number of Firestore queries
const document = await firestore.doc(`/contents/${idx}`).get();
await firestore.doc(`/userSeen/${uid}`).set({contents: arrayUnion(idx)}); // mark it as seen
return document;
return null;
As you can see, this is much cheaper if you use previsible document ids for your content. But perhaps someone will have a better idea.