Using Solrnet in my .net core project through dependency injection as - services.AddSolrNet("http://localhost:8983/solr"); And injecting it through ISolrOperations
As opposed to how we do in .net framework Startup.Init("http://localhost:8983/solr"); This calls the Startup.Init method and allows me to register my custom response parser at runtime which is not the case when i use depedency injection.
Any idea how to solve this ? I want to use DI but at run time, i wish to deregister default response parser and register my own. These lines work perfectly fine in .net framework -
SolrNet.Startup.Container.Remove<ISolrAbstractResponseParser>(); SolrNet.Startup.Container.Register<ISolrAbstractResponseParser>(c => new AggregateResponseParser(new ISolrAbstractResponseParser[] { new ResultsNestedResponseParser(new SolrNestedDocumentParser(c.GetInstance())) }));