I have created a function in F# to recover historical data from Yahoo (the classic asynchronous example for F#):
let getCSV ticker dStart dEnd =
async {
let query = getFileUrl ticker dStart dEnd
let req = WebRequest.Create(query)
use! resp = req.AsyncGetResponse()
use stream= resp.GetResponseStream()
use reader = new StreamReader(stream)
let content = reader.ReadToEnd()
let ts = parseData content
return ts
Now, I can run this function asynchronously by doing the following:
let test=
|>List.map (fun x -> getCSV x (DateTime.Parse("01.01.2000")) (DateTime.Parse("01.01.2010")))
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Ok that's cool.
Now, what I would like to know is how to apply some function to this which is the history of prices:
For example:
let getReturns (prices:(DateTime *float)list) =
[for i in 1..(prices.Length-1) -> i]
|> List.map (fun i ->(fst (List.nth prices i), (snd (List.nth prices i))/(snd (List.nth prices (i-1) )) - 1.0))
So the trivial way of doing it is:
let test2=
|>List.map (fun x -> getCSV x (DateTime.Parse("01.01.2000")) (DateTime.Parse("01.01.2010")))
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> Array.map getReturns;;
However, the getReturns
function is executed once every file is downloaded and parsed.
What I would like to know, is if it is possible to start execution the second function while the downloads are still taking place: once MSFT is done, no need to wait until YHOO is done to compute its return...
I know that I could modify getCSV
but I would like to know if there is a way to "chain" the getReturn
function without having to change a previously written module...