It should not that be difficult to import some data from a .csv
file and I have done it already. But then I got a file with some data and it stores 50k of lines and in a really confusing way. I'm unable to import that one and I would like to reach out for help.
Problem one: everything is stored in
but it should be stored in,, row.year
and so on.
Problem two: I'm not allowed to modify the .csv
Here are the first line of the .csv
name,id,nametype,recclass,mass (g),fall,year,reclat,reclong,GeoLocation
"Aachen,1,Valid,L5,21,Fell,1880,50.775,6.08333,""(50.775000, 6.083330)"""
"Aarhus,2,Valid,H6,720,Fell,1951,56.18333,10.23333,""(56.183330, 10.233330)"""
"Abee,6,Valid,EH4,107000,Fell,1952,54.21667,-113,""(54.216670, -113.000000)"""
"Acapulco,10,Valid,Acapulcoite,1914,Fell,1976,16.88333,-99.9,""(16.883330, -99.900000)"""
"Achiras,370,Valid,L6,780,Fell,1902,-33.16667,-64.95,""(-33.166670, -64.950000)"""
"Adhi Kot,379,Valid,EH4,4239,Fell,1919,32.1,71.8,""(32.100000, 71.800000)"""
Here is my Python script to import above .csv
import pandas as pd
import pyodbc
import DatabaseConnectionDetails as dcd # seperate file to import DB settings
#Get the file loaded in the memory
data = pd.read_csv (r'C:pathToTHeFileLocationMeteoriteDataShort.csv', delimiter=',')
col_names =['name', 'id', 'nametype', 'recclass', 'mass (g)', 'fall', 'year', 'reclat', 'reclong', 'GeoLocation']
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col_names)
#establish connection to MsSqldb
conn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};'
'Server=' + dcd.DB_SERVER + ';'
'Database=' + dcd.DB_DB + ';'
'Trusted_Connection=' + dcd.TRUSTED_CONNECTION + ';')
cursor = conn.cursor()
#Insert into Table
for row in df.itertuples():
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO Meteorite.dbo.MeteoriteDataPoints (MeteoriteName, MeteoriteId, NameType, RecClass, MassInG, FallStatus, FellYear, RecLatitude, RecLongitude, Geolocation) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
It would be really nice if someone can teach me or show me my mistakes.