i have a problem when i delete file. My file is deleted correctly, but in my folder "storage/app/public" keep another folder with my file. I explain myself better, i′m uploading a file with dropzone plugin in laravel. When i upload a file for first time, created a folder with my video in this case, but when i save my changes in profile, dropzone also created a folder, ok??? also in first time, save in database my register with model AppModelsUpload
but when i save my data y save model AppModelsRestaurant
. well, my problem is that, when i delete my file (video in this case), dropzone delete my second folder created and in database drop row that it have a model AppModelsRestaurant
y need that delete all folder, or else, if i have 1000 files in server with the same contain it′s a problem. I don′t know if i′m explaining correctly.
I have this code:
if ($restaurant->hasMedia($input['collection'])) {
* delete folder in storage/app/public
* delete entry in database model AppModelsUpload and Restaurant
$result = $this->uploadRepository->clear($input['uuid']);
Media::query()->where('model_type', '=', 'AppModelsUpload')->delete();
this line $restaurant->getFirstMedia($input['collection'])->delete();
delete folder and entry in database perfectly when model is Restaurant and folder in storage, but not to do nothing.
with lines:
$result = $this->uploadRepository->clear($input['uuid']);
Media::query()->where('model_type', '=', 'AppModelsUpload')->delete();
i′m traying to delete folder and entries in database but nothing...
How can i delete my other folder and other entries in database?