I am using Ionic Framework and I create a new directive to IonButton component, it actually disables the button and then enable it back when a process is completed (lets say it is a saving progress).
Here is my button template
<ion-button fill="clear" color="primary" expand="block" (click)="acceptRequest()" [submitButton]="true">
is an Input in my directive to enable the click listener.
I can disable the button and modify its content after click using a @HostListener
@HostListener('click') onButtonClick() {
const spinnerContent = `<ion-spinner name="dots"></ion-spinner>`
if (this.isSubmitButton) {
const spinnerContent = `<ion-spinner name="dots"></ion-spinner>`
this.buttonElement.disabled = true;
const btnChildren = this.el.nativeElement.children;
this.oldElement = this.el.nativeElement.cloneNode(true);
for (let child of btnChildren) {
this.renderer.removeChild(this.el.nativeElement, child);
this.el.nativeElement.innerHTML = spinnerContent;
The problem is how can I implement when to re-enable the button after the saving process is complete. I am saving the data inside acceptRequest()
method using RxJS. Let's say I am saving to the API, and re-enable the button.
Some example I know is IonRefresher
, we can easily call event.target.complete()
to complete the loading spinner and hide the refresher from the page.
Thank you.
Edit: I know that it is easier to use [disabled] inside the button instead of using directives, but I need to change the child nodes of the element, and can be used easily. So I think of using directive as the solution.