I'm just beginning to experiment with CircleCI and my project stored on Github. I've just followed the standard, vanilla setup, and created a single project with just one workflow. My github repo structure contains 4 sub-projects (each in their own folder), all on the same hierarchical (root) level:
-- alpha
-- beta
-- setup
-- utilities
I've adapted the config.yml file as follows:
version: 2.1
app_src_directory: alpha
maven: circleci/maven@0.0.12
- maven/test # checkout, build, test, and upload test results
The build successfuly goes through the Spin up environment, Preparing environment variables, Checkout code, Generate Cache Checksum and Restoring cache stages, but fails on Install Dependencies with the error message:
#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
mvn dependency:go-offline --settings 'pom.xml'
[ERROR] Error executing Maven.
[ERROR] The specified user settings file does not exist: /home/circleci/project/pom.xml
Exited with code exit status 1
CircleCI received exit code 1
I have a feeling this is something obvious that I'm too green to figure out. I haven't explicitly mentioned the circleci user anywhere (including my code), so I'm not sure where this reference comes from. The build runs fine locally on my machine, using Maven.
Thanks for any hints !