For anyone who has used Heroku (and perhaps anyone else who has deployed to an PaaS before and has experience):
I'm confused on what Heroku means by "dynos", how dynos handle memory, and how users scale. I read that they define dynos as "app containers", which means that the memory/file system of dyno1 can't be accessed by dyno2. Makes sense in theory.
The containers used at Heroku are called “dynos.” Dynos are isolated, virtualized Linux containers that are designed to execute code based on a user-specified command. (
Also, users can define how many dynos, or "app containers", are instantiated, if i understand correctly, through commands like heroku ps:scale web=1
, etc etc.
I recently created a webapp (a Flask/gunicorn app, if that even matters), where I declare a variable that keeps track of how many users visited a certain route (I know, not the best approach, but irrelevant anyways). In local testing, it appeared to be working properly (even for multiple clients)
When I deployed to Heroku, with only a single web dyno (heroku ps:scale web=1
), I found this was not the case, and that the variable appeared to have multiple instances and updated differently. I understand that memory isn't shared between different dynos, but I have only one dyno which runs the server. So I thought that there should only be a single instance of this variable/web app? Is the dyno running my server on single/multiple processes? If so, how can I limit it?
Note, this web app does save files on disk, and through each API request, I check to see if the file does exist. Because it does, this tells me that I am requesting from the same dyno.
Perhaps someone can enlighten me? I'm a beginner to deployment, but willing to learn/understand more!