I've been doing some research on why my player(GameObject) is does not rotate toward my mouse position in my TopDown 3D game and I can't seem to find what is wrong with my code, so im making this post. The problem thats I have is that only the GameObject of my player (in my case, a capsule) rotate toward my mouse position but the axis of my player stays the same. In other word, I can't rotate the axis of my player, to face my mouse position, but I can rotate the GameObject of my player to face my mouse position. Its really hard to explain and this never happened to me before. Question is how can I rotate the axis of my player to face my mouse position. Keep in mind that my game is a top down view.
Here is the code im using for my playerMouvment and for my mouseLook:
public class Controller : MonoBehaviour
public float moveSpeed = 6;
Rigidbody rb;
Camera viewCamera;
Vector3 velocity;
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
viewCamera = Camera.main;
void Update()
Vector3 mousePos = viewCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, viewCamera.transform.position.y));
transform.LookAt(mousePos + Vector3.up * transform.position.y);
velocity = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")).normalized * moveSpeed;
void FixedUpdate()
rb.MovePosition(rb.position + velocity * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
Again I tried and look for any error in my code and I can't find anything that cause this weird situation and so if anyone can help me find a better way to write this code and solve my problem it would be great!