I'm writing a program that parses 10 websites, locates data files, saves the files, and then parses them to make data that can be readily used in the NumPy library. (我正在编写一个程序,该程序可以解析10个网站,找到数据文件,保存文件,然后解析它们以生成可以在NumPy库中轻松使用的数据。) There are tons of errors this file encounters through bad links, poorly formed XML, missing entries, and other things I've yet to categorize. (有过不良链接,不好的XML,缺项,其他的事情我还没有进行分类文件遭遇吨的错误。) I initially made this program to handle errors like this: (我最初制作该程序来处理以下错误:)
But now I want to log errors: (但是现在我想记录错误:)
except Exception, err:
print Exception, err
Note this is printing to a log file for later review. (请注意,这是打印到日志文件以供以后查看。) This usually prints very useless data. (这通常会打印非常无用的数据。) What I want is to print the exact same lines printed when the error triggers without the try-except intercepting the exception, but I don't want it to halt my program since it is nested in a series of for loops that I would like to see to completion. (我想要的是在错误触发时打印完全相同的行,而没有try-except拦截异常,但是我不希望它暂停我的程序,因为它嵌套在我想要的一系列for循环中看到完成。)
ask by chriscauley translate from so