I have a messaging app similar to whatsapp where there are messages videos and images in the chat activity.
Now I want to implement a double tap like feature on this but the problem is I also have a onclicklistner attached to my image and video frame that opens up a fullscreenactivity showing the image in fullscreen or playing the video in fullscreen.(现在,我想在其上实现双击之类的功能,但是问题是我还有一个onclicklistner附加到我的图像和视频框架上,从而打开了全屏活动,以全屏显示图像或以全屏播放视频。)
So on double tap instead of liking the picture or video it simply opens the video or image in the fullscreen mode.(因此,双击而不是喜欢图片或视频,只需在全屏模式下打开视频或图像即可。)
Since in messages I don't have a onclick listner attached double tap like works fine.(由于在邮件中我没有附加onclick列表器,因此双击双击效果很好。)
Any ideas on how I can make the double tap like work in case of the videos or images.(关于如何在视频或图像情况下如何进行双击的任何想法。)
I am fairly new to android development using Java.(我对使用Java进行android开发相当陌生。)
So any help is appreciated.(因此,任何帮助表示赞赏。)
ask by Aniruddha Chattopadhyay translate from so