Let me start out I'm a complete noob and this is my first coding project.
So please forgive me if I'm doing it wrong!(所以,如果我做错了,请原谅我!)
Currently if I run my script it prints out a list of URL's from the website I'm trying to automatically update.
Well, it gives me the ending of the URL, so I manually add the 1st part on.(好吧,它给了我URL的结尾,因此我手动添加了第一部分。)
I have all the urls stored under 'Temp'.(我所有的网址都存储在“临时”下。)
I've tried to separate them using lists my the following(我试图使用以下列表将它们分开)
AR = ["http://www.Puppyfind.com/s/" + str(temp)]
AR = list(set(AR))
Print (AR)
If I put it on the same indentation as the line of code that gets me the URLs it feeds me back urls like this
If I put it with no I indentation then it feeds be back just the last link which is
I have 7 listings so it feeds me back 14 urls, the 7 URLs each with a duplicate.
I've found how others do it with manually imported numbers using list(set()) but haven't had any luck with urls.(我发现其他人如何使用list(set())用手动导入的数字来做到这一点,但网址却没有运气。)
I need to be able to get a list of just the 7 URL's so that way the later parts of my script can use it to access each individual URL one after another.(我需要能够仅获得7个URL的列表,以便脚本的后续部分可以使用它依次访问每个单独的URL。)
And I thinking need a single list not several lists for that to work?(我想只需要一个列表,而不是几个列表就可以了?)
Any ideas how I could go about doing this?(有什么想法我可以去做吗?)
Thanks so much in advance for any advice!(非常感谢您的任何建议!)
ask by Michael translate from so