I am putting a GeoChart on my Google Site using a Google Apps Script.
(我正在使用Google Apps脚本在我的Google网站上放置GeoChart。)
Viewing the page when I am not logged into my google account shows a grey banner at the top with states: "This application was created by another user, not by Google."(当我未登录自己的Google帐户时,查看该页面会在顶部显示一个灰色横幅,其状态为:“此应用程序是由其他用户而非Google创建的。”)
See it here .(在这里看到它。)
Is there a way to remove this banner or move it to the bottom of the page so it looks better?
I found a short discussion here (see fourth comment), but this did not work with the HtmlOutput object I am using in thedoGet
function doGet() {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('prate').setSandboxMode(HtmlService.SandboxMode.IFRAME);
ask by Christine Braun translate from so