I need to have my program ask the user to enter a letter for it to continue in one direction or the other (I'm making a state machine), but my terminal only registers the answer if the user presses "enter" after entering the letter.
(我需要让我的程序要求用户输入一个字母,以便它在一个方向或另一个方向上继续(我正在制造状态机),但是如果用户在输入密码后按“ enter”(进入),则终端仅注册答案。信件。)
From what I was able to find, I need to be either in raw mode or in cbreak mode to remedy this problem, but no matter what I do I can't seem to find a functionning solution.
Right now, as a functionning code I have that but it does ask for the user to press "enter".
def interact():
global NextState
while isData() == False :
#si une touche est appuyee
if isData():
c = sys.stdin.read(1)
if c == 'a':
NextState = 1
elif c=='b' :
NextState = 2
showTxt("Wrong input, please enter 'a' or 'b'")
def isData():
return select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([sys.stdin], [], [])
And also, I can't seem to get my code out of the cbreak mode or raw mode when I actually do something that gets closer to working.
If you could help me solve that problem without changing too much of the code (so that I don't get lost since I'm new at coding), it would really help me.
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