I am trying to automate the creating and running the performance test script.
Firstly, I create the UML activity diagram and I can export this diagram to outside as a xml file.(首先,我创建UML活动图,然后可以将该图作为xml文件导出到外部。)
I write a java program that can read this xml file.(我编写了一个可以读取此xml文件的Java程序。)
Now I want to create test script with using the properties which is a separate file that include host, username, time, etc. knowledge about the configuration.(现在,我想使用属性创建测试脚本,该属性是一个单独的文件,其中包含主机,用户名,时间等有关配置的知识。)
I want to use these two files and create a test script for performance test.(我想使用这两个文件并创建用于性能测试的测试脚本。)
Which performance test tool is useful and appropriate for my plan?(哪种性能测试工具对我的计划有用并合适?)
Also I read the jmeter documentation and it can not be run from the script.(我也阅读了jmeter文档,无法从脚本中运行它。)
Jmeter is manually configured.(Jmeter是手动配置的。)
ask by ik47 translate from so