I want to provide an offline fallback for my pwa app with workbox.
this is my folder structure :
I precache all html files first(except about.html) :
/workbox-config.js :
module.exports = {
"globDirectory": "src/",
"globPatterns": [
"globIgnores": [
"swSrc": "src/swInit.js",
"swDest": "src/sw.js"
/src/swInit.js :
return (urlData.event.request.headers.get('accept').includes('text/html')) ;
function(args) {
return caches.match(args.event.request)
if(cacheRes) return cacheRes ;
else {
return fetch(args.event.request)
return caches.match('./offline.html')
if(res) return res ;
else console.log('not') ;
}) ;
When I am offline and click on about.html I should redirect to offline.html page but instead, I get "this site can't be reached" error.
any suggestions on how I can fix this?(关于如何解决此问题的任何建议?)
ask by Ahmad Reza translate from so