I want to estimate of three parameter log-normal distribution in OpenBUGS.
The model is sintatically correct and data are loaded, but when I compile, software output is "multiple definitions of node x".(该模型在语言上是正确的,并且已加载数据,但是在我编译时,软件输出是“节点x的多个定义”。)
I don't know how to solve the problem.(我不知道如何解决这个问题。)
This is the model:
x <- y + a
y ~ dlnorm(mu, tau)
mu ~ dnorm(0, 0.00001)
tau ~ dgamma(0.00001, 0.00001)
a ~ dnorm(0, 0.00001)
list(x =22.9189488817953)
Thanks to everyone that will answer.
ask by r.reza translate from so