With a synchronous JavaScript generator I can iterate over it as follows:
(() => { function * syncGenerator () { yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 console.log('done') } Array.from(syncGenerator()) })()
This will simply iterate over the whole generator without having to initialise a variable.
I would like to do the same with async generators.(我想对异步生成器做同样的事情。)
The closest solution I could come up with is as follows:(我能想到的最接近的解决方案如下:)
(async () => { async function * asyncGenerator () { yield Promise.resolve(1) yield Promise.resolve(2) yield Promise.resolve(3) console.log('done') } for await (const num of asyncGenerator()) {} })()
Unfortunately I had to instantiate the variable num
in the above code snippet.
Is there any way I can iterate over an async generator without having to create a variable?(有什么方法可以遍历异步生成器而不必创建变量?)
ask by jens1101 translate from so