I want to get the URL from an iframe when the user redirects by clicking links in the iframe.
The source of the iframe is not the same as the web application.(iframe的来源与Web应用程序不同。)
For example:
<iframe src="startingUrl" class="embed-responsive-item" id="iframe" sandbox="" allowfullscreen</iframe>
I add a load listener on the iframe to detect when the user redirects to other urls in this iframe:
const iframe = document.getElementById("iframe");
iframe.addEventListener("load", (evt) => {
const location = iframe.contentWindow.location;
console.log(location); // this gives me a Location object where I can see the href property
console.log(location.href); // this gives me a SecurityError: Permission denied to get property "href" on cross-origin object, I also tried to get a copy of the object but that doesn't work either.
I know what causes this problem and I also know it is not possible.
But I need to find a way to get the current URL of the page.(但是我需要找到一种获取页面当前URL的方法。)
If this is a no go then I want that the user who uses this web application can copy the url of the iframe and put it in an input field.(如果不行,那么我希望使用该Web应用程序的用户可以复制iframe的网址并将其放在输入字段中。)
Now they can do "View frame source" in chrome and This frame: view frame source or info in Firefox.
(现在他们可以在chrome和This frame中执行“查看框架源”:在Firefox中查看框架源或信息。)
But this is too complicated for the user.(但这对于用户来说太复杂了。)
Is there a way they can see the URL in the iFrame or a way for the user to get the URL simpler.(他们有没有办法在iFrame中看到URL或用户使URL变得更简单的方法。)
The site in the iFrame is not mine.
All help is much appreciated!
ask by Laurent translate from so