I'm writing a client side method, that creates an array of objects.I open an existing excel to write the values from the array.
I get the values using getProperty and store in a variable.(我使用getProperty获取值并将其存储在变量中。)
When I try to write those in the excel, I get "event handler failed with message";" ".(当我尝试在excel中编写这些代码时,出现“事件处理程序失败并显示消息”;“”。)
var getItemtoExcel=document.thisItem.newItem("ToExcel", "get");
var arrToExcel = Array();
for (var j=0; j<getItemtoExcel.getItemCount(); j++)
var gotItemForExcel=getItemtoExcel.getItemByIndex(j);
var Excel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
Excel.Visible = true;
var offset=0;
var row=2;
for (var c=0; c<arrToExcel.length; c++)
var createExcel = arrToExcel[c];
var Number =createExcel.getProperty("nb");
var Type=createExcel.getProperty("type");
var Code=createExcel.getProperty("code");
var State=createExcel.getProperty("state");
Excel.Worksheets("sheet11").Range("A" & row + 1 + offset).Value = Number;
Excel.Worksheets("sheet11").Range("B" & row + 1 + offset).Value = Type;
Excel.Worksheets("sheet11").Range("C" & row + 1 + offset).Value = Code;
Excel.Worksheets("sheet11").Range("D" & row + 1 + offset).Value = State;
return this;
document.thisItem.newItem() is from ARASPLM.
Its the standard used to call an ItemType(Item) in ARAS(它是在ARAS中调用ItemType(Item)的标准)
ask by GBI translate from so