I'm using Sencha Touch (ExtJS) to get a JSON message from the server.(我正在使用Sencha Touch(ExtJS)从服务器获取JSON消息。)
The message I receive is this one :(我收到的消息是这样的:){
"success": true,
"counters": [
"counter_name": "dsd",
"counter_type": "sds",
"counter_unit": "sds"
"counter_name": "gdg",
"counter_type": "dfd",
"counter_unit": "ds"
"counter_name": "sdsData",
"counter_type": "sds",
"counter_unit": " dd "
"counter_name": "Stoc final",
"counter_type": "number ",
"counter_unit": "litri "
"counter_name": "Consum GPL",
"counter_type": "number ",
"counter_unit": "litri "
"counter_name": "sdg",
"counter_type": "dfg",
"counter_unit": "gfgd"
"counter_name": "dfgd",
"counter_type": "fgf",
"counter_unit": "liggtggggri "
"counter_name": "fgd",
"counter_type": "dfg",
"counter_unit": "kwfgf "
"counter_name": "dfg",
"counter_type": "dfg",
"counter_unit": "dg"
"counter_name": "gd",
"counter_type": "dfg",
"counter_unit": "dfg"
My problem is that I can't parse this JSON object so that i can use each of the counter objects.(我的问题是我无法解析这个JSON对象,以便我可以使用每个计数器对象。)
I'm trying to acomplish that like this :(我试图这样做:)
var jsonData = Ext.util.JSON.decode(myMessage);
for (var counter in jsonData.counters) {
What am i doing wrong ?(我究竟做错了什么 ?)
Thank you!(谢谢!) ask by maephisto translate from so