In my everyday coding I'm offten dealing with generics as a client (collections, etc.).
But when it comes to implementing my own rather abstract and complex generic solution, with interfaces and few layers of inheritance, it turnes out, that generics are rather complex thing, and I don't know them well enough.(但是当涉及到实现我自己的相当抽象和复杂的泛型解决方案时,它具有接口和很少的继承层,事实证明,泛型是相当复杂的事情,我对它们还不够了解。)
So, I'd like to do some additional practice on generics, but I just can't make out from my head any really interesting challenges to solve.
I try to google, but no result.
Could you tell me where can I find such challenges (maybe some book)?(您能告诉我在哪里可以找到这样的挑战(也许是一本书)?)
Or please, write some interesting challenges right here - would be appreciated so much!(或者,请在此处写下一些有趣的挑战-非常感谢!)
ask by DmitriyS translate from so