Is there a way to achieve the following logic with JSR 352 Batch API?
(有没有办法使用JSR 352 Batch API实现以下逻辑?)
I have a series of Steps that each need to be executed based on a different condition known when starting the job.(我有一系列步骤,每个步骤都需要根据开始工作时已知的不同条件执行。)
ConditionsEntity is provided by an external system.(ConditionsEntity由外部系统提供。)
public List<Steps> createStepSequence(ConditionsEntity conditions) {
if (conditions.isStep1Enabled()) {
if (conditions.isStep2Enabled()) {
if (conditions.isStep3Enabled()) {
//many more ifs
return steps;
My first attempt fails because of: A decision cannot precede another decision.
I'm adding the FAILING Code here(我在这里添加失败代码)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<job id="myJob" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.0">
<property name="isExecuteStep2" value="false"/>
<property name="isExecuteStep3" value="false"/>
<step id="step1" next="decider1">
<batchlet ref="myBatchlet1"/>
<decision id="decider1" ref="SkipNextStepDecider">
<property name="isExecuteNextStep" value="#{jobProperties['isExecuteStep2']}"/>
<next on="EXECUTE" to="step2"/>
<next on="SKIP" to="decider2"/>
<step id="step2">
<batchlet ref="myBatchlet2"/>
<decision id="decider2" ref="SkipNextStepDecider">
<property name="isExecuteNextStep" value="#{jobProperties['isExecuteStep3']}"/>
<next on="EXECUTE" to="step3"/>
<end on="SKIP"/>
<step id="step3">
<batchlet ref="myBatchlet3"/>
public class SkipNextStepDecider implements Decider {
private String isExecuteNextStep;
public String decide(StepExecution[] ses) throws Exception {
if (isExecuteNextStep.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
return "EXECUTE";
} else {
return "SKIP";
ask by taranaki translate from so