I want three measures in a single chart.
- Time spent by an employee in the office.
(Available hours)((可用时间))
- Time spent by an employee on productive tools.
(Productive Hours)((生产时间))
- Percentage of time spent productively.
(PH : AH %)((PH:AH%))
I have used dual axis for 1 and 2 as 2 will always be less than 1.
I want it to look something like this
The problem is when I use blended axis it does not show the "tools hours" as a part of "available hours".
So for example if an employee was available for 5 hours out of which he worked on productive tools for 3 hours the blended axis will show total available hours to be 8.(因此,例如,如果某个雇员有5个小时的空闲时间,而他在生产工具上工作了3个小时,则混合轴将显示总可用时间为8。)
ask by Vinamra Bali translate from so