I am having a released unity game with its Assembly-CSharp.dll already decompeiled by DnSpy.I want to add something that can display information.
Due to difficulty to edit UI without the visual editor of Unity, I decided to make a winform by Visual Studio then copy the UI layout code to DnSpy.(由于没有Unity的可视化编辑器很难编辑UI,所以我决定用Visual Studio创建Winform,然后将UI布局代码复制到DnSpy。)
I know how to add reference, and using those namespaces, then create an instance of Form.(我知道如何添加引用并使用这些名称空间,然后创建Form的实例。)
But I can't get it displayed.(但是我无法显示它。)
Can any one help me to solve this?(谁能帮我解决这个问题?)
ask by display name translate from so