So, I have a sample dataset from which I have extracted the correlation matrix and for each column, I have calculated the average correlation and now wish to compare both.
For this purpose, I have written the following code in Python.(为此,我用Python编写了以下代码。)
This code looks at both sets(correlation matrix and the average values) and eliminates all values above the average and then draws a graph between the rest.(该代码将同时查看两组数据(相关矩阵和平均值),并消除所有高于平均值的值,然后在其余值之间绘制图形。)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import networkx as nx
from time import time
filesrc = "F:Sumit2PRPTD.csv"
Data = pd.read_csv(filesrc)
#selecting the number of independent variables
n = 9
mylist = list(Data.columns)
limit_list = mylist[0:n]
correlation_matrix = Data.corr(method = 'pearson')
cmean = correlation_matrix.mean()
Reduced_corrmat = correlation_matrix.iloc[0:n,0:n]
Reduced_cmean = cmean.iloc[0:n,]
G = nx.DiGraph()
i = 0
N = len(Reduced_corrmat.axes[1])
for k in limit_list:
for j in Reduced_corrmat.axes[1]:
if Reduced_corrmat.iloc[k][j] < Reduced_cmean[k]:
nx.draw(G, with_labels = True)
While running this, I get the error, cannot do positional indexing on with these indexers [ambient] of .
Any idea on what the error is and how to solve it will be appreciated.(关于错误是什么以及如何解决它的任何想法将不胜感激。)
ask by sumitpal0593 translate from so