I have recently being trying to make pokedex using tkinter python and I was going well with it but a problem occurred, which made the whole interface ugly!
(我最近正在尝试使用tkinter python制作pokedex,但效果很好,但是出现了问题,这使整个界面很难看!)
There is a dotted border which is coming in every active button and notebook tab which is spoiling look of the whole program.
NOTE: I tried using focuscolor but it didn't help...
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import *
root = tk.Tk()
Style().configure('lefttab.TNotebook', tabposition='wn')
Style().configure('TNotebook.Tab', font='Courier 16')
notebook = Notebook(root, style='lefttab.TNotebook')
f1 = tk.Frame(notebook, width=500, height=400)
f2 = tk.Frame(notebook, width=500, height=400)
notebook.add(f1, text='Kantodex Vx')
notebook.add(f2, text=' Attacks ')
ask by Hardik Jain translate from so