I am trying to write data on a database located on an external hard drive on macos.
As far as I can know, the sq3.Connection statement will test whether the database exists or not (and if not will create it)(据我所知,sq3.Connection语句将测试数据库是否存在(如果不存在,则将创建数据库))
When running the following
import sqlite3 as sq3
con = sq3.Connection('/Volumes/AGCM/MyDatabase.db')
I get the following error:
sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file
I have checked the permissions and I have read&write access on this drive.
One thing to note is that this was working fine until my old imac died and had to replace it with a macbook pro.(需要注意的一件事是,在我以前的imac死掉并不得不用macbook pro代替它之前,它一直工作良好。)
I am using python 3.8 on this laptop.(我在这台笔记本电脑上使用python 3.8。)
I have databases on this hard drive and I can access and modify them via "DB Browser for SQLite"
(我在此硬盘驱动器上有数据库,可以通过“ DB Browser for SQLite”访问和修改它们)
Edit: it does work on the local directory
ask by Hotone translate from so