I want to specify a custom block method to sort an object array in ruby, by evaluating two properties.
However after many searches in google I didn't get to any example without the <=> operator.(但是,在Google中进行了许多搜索之后,没有<=>运算符,我就找不到任何示例。)
This is what i want to do: comparing a vs b:
if a.x less than b.x return -1
if a.x greater than b.x return 1
if a.x equals b.x, then compare by another property , like a.y vs b.y
this is my code (noob in ruby, sorry) and it doesnt work...
ar.sort! do |a,b|
if a.x < b.y return -1
elseif a.x > b.x return 1
else return a.y <=> b.y
This block is within a function so the return is geting out of the function and returning -1... I'll appreciate any help on this.
(该块位于函数内,因此返回值已退出函数并返回-1 ...我将不胜感激。)
Kind regards.
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