I've been working on a project and I recently came across this strange Jquery behaviour!
Code Snippet
$("#form_1").submit(function (event){
response = sendform('form_1', '../php/signup-01.php', 'POST', '');
function sendform(id, location, method, extrapars) {
response = $.ajax({
url : location ,
data : $("#"+id).serialize() + extrapars ,
cache : false ,
processData : false ,
type : method ,
success : function (successmsg) {
return successmsg;
return response;
So basically I'm trying to send some form data through a pre-defined function, but when I try to log it response in my console it says Undefined
. (我知道这是一个JS对象,所以我什至尝试使用Console.log(response[responseText])
When I try to log the complete object, Console.log(response)
, Its something LIKE
abort: ? ( statusText )
always: ? ()
catch: ? ( fn )
done: ? ()
fail: ? ()
getAllResponseHeaders: ? ()
getResponseHeader: ? ( key )
overrideMimeType: ? ( type )
pipe: ? ( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ )
progress: ? ()
promise: ? ( obj )
readyState: 4
responseText: "Unused OTP in DB!"
setRequestHeader: ? ( name, value )
state: ? ()
status: 200
statusCode: ? ( map )
statusText: "OK"
then: ? ( onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress )
__proto__: Object
So any help with that would be helpful for me.
Thanks in advance!(提前致谢!)
ask by Arag Aggrawal translate from so