I work on a Django project with git and I am lost.
In local I have 3 branch:
- master
- feature/4
(功能/ 4)
- feature/6 (derived from feature/4)
(Feature / 6(源自Feature / 4))
so my most advance branch is feature/6
(所以我最先进的分支是Feature / 6)
I would like to merge with master but I have conflicts I do not manage to resolve
In my remote repository (Gitlab) , I push my feature/6 branch and make a merge request.
(在我的远程存储库(Gitlab)中 ,我推送了feature / 6分支并提出了合并请求。)
But due ton conflict, I can't merge and Gitlab do not let me resolve conflict (no button available)
what should I do?
ask by SLATER translate from so