HI I am fairly new to scala programming.
I want to know is there a way to rename the duplicate keys of map.(我想知道是否有一种方法可以重命名map的重复键。)
Suppose if I have a scala map here like
((“ a”-> 1,“ b”-> 2,“ c”-> 3,“ d”-> 4,“ a”-> 5,“ c”-> 6,“ e”-> 7, “ a”-> 8))
I want the output in below format.The map should look like
((“ a_1”-> 1,“ b”-> 2,“ c_1”-> 3,“ d”-> 4,“ a_2”-> 5,“ c_2”-> 6,“ e”-> 7, “ a_3”-> 8))
I just want to kind of assign a count system for each duplicate key occurrance.
So far I have been able to write a code which will give the no of occurance for a duplicate key.
var seq=map.toSeq
var cnt=seq.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.length)`
ask by Nils translate from so