I want to convert a string like this:
'10/15/2008 10:06:32 PM'
into the equivalent DATETIME value in Sql Server.
(转换为Sql Server中的等效DATETIME值。)
In Oracle, I would say this:
TO_DATE('10/15/2008 10:06:32 PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
This question implies that I must parse the string into one of the standard formats , and then convert using one of those codes.
(这个问题暗示我必须将字符串解析为标准格式之一 ,然后使用这些代码之一进行转换。)
That seems ludicrous for such a mundane operation.(对于这种平凡的行动来说,这似乎很可笑。)
Is there an easier way?(有没有更简单的方法?)
ask by JosephStyons translate from so