I want to authenticate Android users with a Go AppEngine backend,
(我想使用Go AppEngine后端对Android用户进行身份验证,)
I can easily get an ID-token in Android by following http://android-developers.blogspot.co.il/2013/01/verifying-back-end-calls-from-android.html
the ID-token payload can be verified with the oauth2/v2 package of the https://code.google.com/p/google-api-go-client/ library.
(可以使用https://code.google.com/p/google-api-go-client/库的oauth2 / v2包来验证ID令牌有效负载。)
some installation tweaks are necessary for using it with AppEngine, I found some pointers at http://golangtutorials.blogspot.co.il/2011/11/using-external-api-in-go-appengine.html
according to the doc: "Verify Signature It turns out that this is signed using a Google public/private key pair, and Google publishes the public keys (which we change regularly) at www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs; go ahead and have a look.
You have to verify that the ID Token, which is actually a JSON Web Token, was signed with one of those certs.
(您必须验证ID令牌(实际上是JSON Web令牌)是否已使用这些证书之一签名。)
Fortunately, there are decent libraries around to do this;(幸运的是,周围有不错的图书馆可以这样做。)
in this post, I'll give pointers for Java, Ruby, and PHP.(在本文中,我将提供Java,Ruby和PHP的指针。)
The libraries can cache the Google certs and only refresh them when required, so the verification is (almost always) a fast static call."
how do I verify in Go that the token was signed by Google?
ask by Gal Ben-Haim translate from so